Alex (Reportify) and Daniel Dumbrill – a chat while driving around outer ChongQing

Two well known faces here, and great guys, discuss reality and fantasy, and much more ...


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Something different – Someone to love (60s blues music)
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On the 13th January 2024 the people of Taiwan make their choice
It comes down to this - do they want Taiwan to remain in the status quo (semi-independence) with good relations with the rest of China, - or - does it want to become increasingly a US (and Japan) puppet regime / missile base (DPP) - (that would be suicide) ? If the former, it makes sense to back the KMT and not waste the vote on a third party that cannot win. The future of Taiwan, and its prosperity, lies with closer ties with China, not war. With Brian Berletic / The New Atlas ... With Danny Haiphong and George Galloway (jump to 1 hour 11 min.s for the Taiwan discussion) ... With David Oualaalou ...
The thrilling HuaShan 华山 `Plank Walk` – video
HuaShan lies in ShaanXi province and is one of China's Five Sacred Mountains; the highest peak is 2,155 meters (7,070 feet).
Restoring faith in humanity – good people do good things
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Movie time – Yesterday Once More 谁的青春不迷茫 Don’t miss it
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FengHuang 凤凰县 Phoenix ancient water town, HuNan province
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First time in China – ChengDu, capital city of SiChuan province
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Fermented soybeans (GuiZhou style) 貴州傳統風味
The beautiful ZhangJiaJie 张家界 National Forest Park
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