A Voice of China (2)

Begiining with three songs in English : Mad World - Cui TianQi (崔天琪), Yellow - Li WenHui (李文慧), and Still Loving You - Tan XuanYuan (谭轩辕).

Plus, Zhang JingYi (张婧懿) - "玫瑰" (Rose - no votes, but beautiful imo); Yao BeiNa (姚贝娜) - "也许明天" (Maybe Tomorrow), July 2013 ### and Taskyn (塔斯肯) - "Dudarai" (Дударай).

### Yao BeiNa (aka Bella Yao), 姚贝娜, 26 September 1981 – 16 January 2015 (aged 33; breast cancer). Among much more, she sang in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala twice, and the pop version of Let It Go in the Disney film Frozen for the Mandarin Chinese dub when the film was released in China.


Much more music : click here !

You, you're skin and bones;

Turn that into -

something beautiful ...

... Look at the stars,

See how they shine for you !

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A guide to the meaning of place names in China
These elements are commonly used in various combinations to form place names throughout China, reflecting geographical features, cultural aspects, and historical significance. Tiān 天 - Heaven: TianAnMen 天安门 - TianAnMen Mén 门 - Gate: DongMen 东门 - East Gate Sì 寺 - Temple: ShaoLinSi 少林寺 - ShaoLin Temple Shān 山 - Mountain: HuangShan 黄山 - Yellow Mountain Hé 河 - River: HuangHe 黄河 - Yellow River Jiāng 江 - River (large): ChangJiang 长江 - Yangtze River Hú 湖 - Lake: XiHu 西湖 - West Lake Hǎi 海 - Sea: QingDao 青岛 - QingDao Zhōu 州 - State or Prefecture: GuangZhou 广州 - GuangZhou Shì 市 - City: ShangHai 市 - ShangHai City Zhèn 镇 - Town: ZhouZhuang 镇 周庄镇 - ZhouZhuang Town Cūn 村 - Village: ZhouCun 周村 - Zhou Village Miào 庙 - Temple: WenMiao 文庙 - Confucius Temple Qiáo 桥 - Bridge: LuGouQiao 卢沟桥 - Marco Polo Bridge Dòng 洞 - Cave: YunGang ShiKu 云冈石窟 - YunGang Grottoes Bǎo 堡 - Fort or Castle: ZhangJiaJie 张家界 - ZhangJiaJie Tái 台 - Platform or Terrace: DongTai 东台 - DongTai Lǐng 岭 - Ridge or Mountain Range: WuLing 五岭 - Five Ridges Gǎng 港 - Harbor or Port: XiangGang 香港 - Hong Kong Yuàn 苑 - Park or Garden: YiHeYuan 颐和园 - Summer Palace Quán 泉 - Spring: JiNan 济南 - JiNan Wān 湾 - Bay: ShenZhen Wan 深圳湾 - ShenZhen Bay Dǎo 岛 - Island: HaiNan Dao 海南岛 - HaiNan Island Chéng 城 - City or Town: NanJing Cheng 南京城 - NanJing City Guǎngchǎng 广场 - Square: TianAnMen GuangChang 天安门广场 - TianAnMen Square Gōng 宫 - Palace: GuGong 故宫 - Forbidden City Yuàn 院 - Courtyard or Compound: BeiJing DaXue 北京大学 - Peking University Cūnzhuāng 村庄 - Village: ZhouZhuang Cun 周庄村 - ZhouZhuang Village Qū 区 - District or Area: ChaoYang Qu 朝阳区 - ChaoYang District Lù 路 - Road or Street: Chang'An Lu 长安路 - Chang'An Road Jiē 街 - Street: WangFuJing Jie 王府井街 - WangFuJing Street Fāng 坊 - Lane or Alley: NanLuoGuXiang 南锣鼓巷 - NanLuoGuXiang Běi 北 - North: BeiJing 北京 - BeiJing Nán 南 - South: NanJing 南京 - NanJing Dōng 东 - East: DongGuan 东莞 - DongGuan Xī 西 - West: Xi'An 西安 - Xi'An Zhōng 中 - Central: ZhongShan 中山 - ZhongShan Wài 外 - Outer: WaiTan 外滩 - The Bund Nèi 内 - Inner: NeiMengGu 内蒙古 - Inner Mongolia Xīn 新 - New: XinJiang 新疆 - XinJiang Jiù 旧 - Old: JiuJinShan 旧金山 - San Francisco Shàng 上 - Upper: ShangHai 上海 - ShangHai Xià 下 - Lower: XiaGuan 下关 - XiaGuan Qián 前 - Front: QianMen 前门 - QianMen Hòu 后 - Back: HouHai 后海 - HouHai Cháng 长 - Long: ChangChun 长春 - ChangChun Duǎn 短 - Short: DuanShan 短山 - DuanShan Gāo 高 - High: GaoXiong 高雄 - KaoHsiung Dī 低 - Low: DiCun 低村 - DiCun Dà 大 - Big: DaTong 大同 - DaTong Xiǎo 小 - Small: XiaoZhen 小镇 - XiaoZhen Lóng 龙 - Dragon: LongYan 龙岩 - LongYan Fèng 凤 - Phoenix: FengYang 凤阳 - FengYang Fú 福 - Fortune: FuZhou 福州 - FuZhou Ān 安 - Peace: Xi'An 西安 - Xi'An Qìng 庆 - Celebration: QingYang 庆阳 - QingYang Xīng 兴 - Prosperous: XingHua 兴化 - XingHua Jí 吉 - Lucky: JiLin 吉林 - JiLin Xiáng 祥 - Auspicious: XiangFu 祥符 - XiangFu Guāng 光 - Light: GuangZhou 广州 - GuangZhou Míng 明 - Bright: MingGuang 明光 - MingGuang Hékǒu 河口 - River Mouth: HeKou 河口 - HeKou Qiáotóu 桥头 - Bridgehead: QiaoTou 桥头 - QiaoTou Shānjiǎo 山脚 - Foothill: ShanJiao 山脚 - ShanJiao Hǎibīn 海滨 - Seaside: HaiBin 海滨 - HaiBin Mǎtóu 码头 - Wharf: MaTou 码头 - MaTou Gǔ 古 - Ancient: GuZhen 古镇 - GuZhen Wén 文 - Culture: WenHua Cun 文化村 - WenHua Village Chāng 昌 - Flourishing: ChangPing 昌平 - ChangPing Cuì 翠 - Emerald (green): CuiHu 翠湖 - CuiHu Jīn 金 - Gold: JinShan 金山 - JinShan Yín 银 - Silver: YinChuan 银川 - YinChuan Qīng 青 - Blue/Green: QingDao 青岛 - QingDao Hóng 红 - Red: HongHe 红河 - HongHe Huáng 黄 - Yellow: HuangShan 黄山 - HuangShan Bái 白 - White: BaiYun 白云 - BaiYun Hēi 黑 - Black: HeiLongJiang 黑龙江 - HeiLongJiang Yáng 阳 - Sun: LuoYang 洛阳 - LuoYang Yīn 阴 - Shade: YinShan 阴山 - YinShan Xīng 星 - Star: XingZi 星子 - XingZi Yuè 月 - Moon: YueLiang Wan 月亮湾 - Moon Bay Huā 花 - Flower: HuaDu 花都 - HuaDu Cǎo 草 - Grass: CaoYuan 草原 - Grassland Shù 树 - Tree: ShuCun 树村 - ShuCun Lín 林 - Forest: LinHai 林海 - LinHai Yuán 园 - Garden: YuanLin 园林 - YuanLin Nóng 农 - Agricultural: NongChang 农场 - NongChang Gōng 工 - Industrial: GongYe Qu 工业区 - GongYe District Shāng 商 - Commercial: ShangYe Jie 商业街 - Commercial Street Xué 学 - Learning: XueYuan Lu 学院路 - XueYuan Road Yī 医 - Medical: YiYuan Jie 医院街 - YiYuan Street Zhàn 站 - Station: HuoChe Zhan 火车站 - Train Station Shì 室 - Room: BanGong Shi 办公室 - Office Lóu 楼 - Building: GaoLou 高楼 - Tall Building Qū 区 - Area/District: ShiQu 市区 - Urban Area Yuánqū 园区 - Park/Zone: GongYe YuanQu 工业园区 - Industrial Park Jīdì 基地 - Base: KeJi JiDi 科技基地 - Technology Base Jiēdào 街道 - Street: Gu JieDao 古街道 - Ancient Street Xiǎoqū 小区 - Residential area: XiaoQū 小区 - Residential Area Zhōngxīn 中心 - Center: Shi ZhōngXīn 市中心 - City Center Chinese city names and their meanings : BeiJing 北京 - North Capital ShangHai 上海 - Above Sea ChongQing 重庆 - Double Celebration TianJin 天津 - Heavenly Ford GuangZhou 广州 - Expansive Prefecture ShenZhen 深圳 - Deep Ditch ChengDu 成都 - Become Capital Nanjing 南京 - South Capital Xi'An 西安 - Western Peace HangZhou 杭州 - Hang Prefecture Wuhan 武汉 - Combined from WuChang (武昌) and HanKou (汉口) SuZhou 苏州 - Su Prefecture Shenyang 沈阳 - Rising Sun Dongguan 东莞 - East Pass Ningbo 宁波 - Tranquil Waves Qingdao 青岛 - Green Island Guiyang 贵阳 - Precious Sun Haikou 海口 - Sea Mouth Kunming 昆明 - Bright Merits Xiamen 厦门 - Door of the House
How the US / West infiltrates ASEAN countries to use against China
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ShenZhen 深圳 night scene
The BRI : the new Silk Road : the China – Russia corridor
Planning war on China – part 30
With The New Atlas ... Meanwhile ... BBC - after each Olympic video shows a 'Hate will not win" message (relating to endemic racism in the UK). WHY then, are they endlessly promoting hatred of China ? WHY the incessant stories denigrating China right up to the eve of the opening (and doubtless throughout) ? 2008 - BBC says that the the one and a half lines of subway added for the summer Olympics was simply 'white elephant propaganda show-boating'; YET, now BeiJing has added a further some 20 lines of subway (as was always the plan) to become the world's largest subway metro system. And still the lies go on and on and on. A disgrace to humanity. At least, now that the hype is so obvious, more and more can see it for what it really is. Time for this relic of empire to be scrapped. But don't expect "fight for your right, to paaaartyyy" to change anything; or the fake 'opposition'; the elite all know that it is essential in a propaganda war (even if just as a distraction).
Life in GuangZhou, GuangDong province
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The new GuangZhou BaiYun railway station
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JiuZhaiGou 九寨沟 and HuangLong 黄龙 scenery, SiChuan province
Clear pools and waterfalls ...
Scenes from YuanMingYuan 圆明园, BeiJing
YuánMíngYuán was the original Summer Palace in BeiJing and sometimes referred to as the 'Old Summer Palace'. YuanMingYuan lies 8 kilometers (5 miles) northwest of central Beijing, close to the (new) Summer Palace (YíHéYuán 颐和园). It was constructed during the 18th and early 19th centuries and was a wonderland of lakes and waterways, bridges, hills and pavilions. There were originally towers, terraces, pavilions, halls, corridors, pagodas and bridges with a total construction area of 150,000 square meters. Artisans were recruited from all over China to enact the exquisite settings. Many of the 160 scenic spots were reproductions of famous mountains, rivers and famous gardens in China. The various styles of architecture, standing encircled by hills and streams, presented a most picturesque view. In addition, hundreds of invaluable Chinese art masterpieces and antiquities were stored in the halls, including some unique copies of literary works and collections. YuanMingYuan was, indeed, a veritable museum of garden construction and horticulture. Known to be one of the largest museums in the world, a popular name in China was the 'Garden of Gardens'. In 1860 during the 'Second Opium War', YuanMingYuan was looted then burned down by imperialist British and French troops. So great was the devastation that a new Summer Palace was later built nearby.

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