A visual guide to ChangSha 長沙

Capital of HuNan province.

HuNan map

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Happy Valentine’s Day from BeijingBuzzz 4 / 4
We hope all our visitors will one day find (or have found) their true love. Romantic songs galore ... When love calls your name ... are you ready to believe ? Are you strong enough, to trust in love ...? No matter what ... Three little words : Wo ai ni (I love you) ... Waiting for my chance, I was lost, then found, All I know is : We're all in the dance. One life ... one love ... Beginning with 'Superhero Wedding' ... Romance is great, but love is greater. Remember that scene from 'Karate Kid' ? Put on your jacket, take off your jacket, put on your jacket, take off your jacket ...' Kung Fu is not just an activity one does now and then - it is a way of life and permeates one's very heart and is in everything one does. So it is for the true love. Time may flow on without halt, but you won't. However, what you do in life can have a lasting impact, and resonate from heart to heart, down the ages. Love is without fear, love is now, love is forever. Single or double, the most important thing is to love life ... Happy lovers day, from BeijingBuzzz : )( : This is it.
ShaoLin Monastery and surroundings
Plus a first look at Xi'An ...
A trip to scenic XiTang 西塘, ZheJiang province
XīTang is a picturesque, ancient water-town in JiaShan County, ZheJiang province; within the flat-lands of the YangTse River delta. Its history dates back to at least the Spring and Autumn Period when it was located at the border of the ancient states of Yue and Wu. XiTang is crisscrossed by nine rivers and many canals, linked by a multitude of distinct stone bridges. In the older parts of town, the buildings are set along the banks of the canals, which serve as the main transportation thoroughfares. The town has maintained a tranquil ambiance and scenic beauty, making it a popular tourist attraction and has been frequently depicted in traditional Chinese landscape painting. In XiTang, there are well-preserved groups of buildings from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) and the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). XiTang also contains numerous antique residences and temples, such as the Temple of the Seven Masters and a 1,200 meter canal-side, tiled-roof long-corridor. Other places of interest include : XiYuan Garden, with trees and plants, lakes and bridges, pavilions and fountains all harmoniously integrated. Xue's House, which is a typical wooden courtyard of the rich merchant from this region during the later Qing dynasty. WangXian Bridge, which was constructed during the Song dynasty, more than a thousand years ago. XiTang can be explored on a day-trip from Shanghai or HangZhou. From Shanghai, the journey takes around 1:45 hours by coach. Alternatively, one can first take a train or bus to JiaShan, from where there is a bus leaving for XiTang every 10 minutes, a distance of around ten kilometers. One might choose to stay overnight in XiTang or JiaShan to take in the evening or early morning ambiance.
The beaches of Hong Kong 香港
Hong Kong has quite a few beaches and some of these are very nice ...
Mount DanXia 丹霞山 scenic area, GuangDong province
DānXiá Shān is a world famous UNESCO World Heritage Site Geo-Park. The area comprises a reddish sandstone which has been eroded over the years into a series of outcrops with spectacular cliffs and unusual rock formations. There are a number of temples in the mountains and many scenic paths. FuYiJiang River winds through the mountains and boat trips are possible.
ShiChaHai 什刹海 scenes, BeiJing
The three lakes here - XiHai, HouHai and QianHai - were where boats from HangZhou would dock after travelling the Grand Canal. There are still some hutongs in this area, just north of BeiHai Park, which has become a lively destination, especially in the evenings around the lakes.
Beautiful Mount EMei (EMeiShan 峨眉山) from the air
The first Buddhist temple in China was constructed here in SiChuan province in the 1st century A.D. The addition of other temples has turned Éméi Shān into one of Buddhism's holiest sites and is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains of China. All in all, there are now seventy six Buddhist temples and monasteries, most of them located near the mountain top. The first two films focus on the most well-known - the Golden Summit and the 48 meters tall statue of Samantabhadra, known in Mandarin as PǔXián PúSà 普賢菩薩.
Making tofu in China
Our China trip, 2017

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