A trip to TianJin 天津

A look around this beautiful coastal city ...


Tianjin, located in northeastern China and just a short train ride from Beijing, is a bustling metropolis with a rich history, vibrant culture, and a unique blend of Chinese and Western influences. Here's a guide for tourists visiting Tianjin:

Historical and Cultural Attractions:
Tianjin Ancient Culture Street (Guwenhua Jie): This pedestrian street is lined with traditional Chinese-style buildings and shops selling arts, crafts, and souvenirs. Visitors can also enjoy street performances, local snacks, and cultural activities.

Tianjin Eye: This iconic Ferris wheel offers panoramic views of the city skyline and Hai River. It's especially stunning at night when the city lights are illuminated.

Italian Style Street (Wudadao): Located in the former British concession area, Wudadao features over 2,000 European-style buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Visitors can admire the architecture, visit cafes and boutiques, and take guided tours to learn about the area's history.

Porcelain House (China House): This unique attraction is a mansion adorned with millions of porcelain fragments, creating intricate mosaics and sculptures. It's a fascinating example of modern Chinese art and architecture.

Modern Attractions:
Tianjin Binhai Library: Known for its futuristic design, this architectural marvel features a massive spherical auditorium surrounded by bookshelves that appear to float in mid-air. It's a must-visit for architecture enthusiasts and book lovers alike.

Tianjin Haihe Cultural Square: This waterfront promenade along the Hai River is a popular spot for leisurely strolls, boat rides, and cultural events. Visitors can enjoy views of the city's landmarks, including the Tianjin Eye and the Tianjin TV Tower.

Culinary Delights:
Tianjin Cuisine: Sample local specialties such as Goubuli Baozi (steamed buns filled with meat and vegetables), Jianbing (Chinese-style crepes), and Erduoyan Fried Dough Twists (a crispy snack made from twisted dough).

Guifaxiang Mahua: These twisted, fried dough snacks are a beloved Tianjin delicacy. Visitors can watch as vendors prepare them fresh on the spot and enjoy them hot and crispy.

Practical Tips:
Transportation: Tianjin has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses, subways, and taxis. The city is also easily accessible by high-speed train from Beijing and other major cities.

Language: Mandarin Chinese is the official language, but English may not be widely spoken outside of tourist areas. It's helpful to learn a few basic phrases or carry a translation app.

Weather: Tianjin has a temperate climate, with hot, humid summers and cold winters. The best times to visit are in the spring and autumn when the weather is mild and comfortable.

Tianjin offers a fascinating mix of historical charm, modern attractions, and culinary delights, making it a rewarding destination for tourists. Whether you're exploring ancient streets, admiring futuristic architecture, or savoring local flavors, Tianjin has something to offer visitors of all interests.

TianJin map

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In particular, the cause of the increased incidence of disease was the adoption of the 'low fat diet' dogma, that allowed cheap, but nasty, 'food' to be made from 'vegetable' oils, plus sugar and refined carbohydrates (and a large variety of additives, such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives). The big two culprits are : *** 1) 'vegetable' (seed and bean) oils - sunflower, canola / rapeseed, corn, etc. These oils are highly processed, very unstable (easily oxidise and degrade) and are pro-inflammatory (omega-6). Note that extra virgin olive oil is not a vegetable oil, and is un-processed. Saturated fats are not a problem. Neither is cholesterol - so essential to life that every cell can make it; and if they didn't, we'd die. It is needed by the brain, for making vitamin D and other hormones, and much, much more. The problem isn't too much fat; the problem is eating the wrong fats. Don't think 'low fat', think 'good fat'. Good fats include fish oil / cod liver oil (choose a good one), EVOO, butter / ghee, coconut oil. *** 2) sugar and refined carb.s - bread, cakes, biscuits, pastries, colas, fruit juices, etc. These easily overload metabolism leading to fatty liver, weight gain and many other disturbances. Even whole-grains are not a good source of nutrition and have anti-nutrients (vegetables are where to get fiber, not grains). Sugar and refined carb.s are addictive - the more you eat, the more you want. Real food is the answer. Rather than managing symptoms, we need to fix the root problem. Avoid processed foods, also known as fake 'foods'. Real foods include non-starchy vegetables (arugula, broccoli sprouts, garlic, tomato, onion, ...), meat (not the preserved type) and wild fish, some whole fruit (berries, avocados), nuts, eggs, cream, kefir; sauerkraut; kimchi. Small amounts of rice and pasta and potato may be okay for some people. High potassium 'lo salt'. Herbs and spices. Tea and coffee (unsweetened). The more variety, the better. The microbiome in the gut is a key to health, and it needs real food. Start the regeneration. The liver, in particular, but all the digestive system, and ultimately every part of the body, hates highly processed foods. End the poison. Kefir and sauerkraut can help. Carnivore ? Vegan ? The important thing is to avoid processed 'food', especially sugar, refined carb.s and 'vegetable' oils. Yet going to either extreme is far from ideal. Healthy keto would be a good choice, and maybe semi-keto for some. Variety. Quality (grass-fed, organic, etc.). Animal foods for high quality protein and good fats; vegetables for fiber and their many phytonutrients (and feeding the gut microbiome). Vegetarian ? Don't rely on fake 'meats' and include eggs, butter and cheese; plus fermented veggies. If include high quality eggs daily, a vegetarian diet can work. Time restricted eating (and no snacks or 'grazing') and fasting. Intermittent fasting (time-restricted eating) gives your body a chance to repair, heal and clean house. Breakfast is the easiest meal to skip. Also, try not to eat for a few hours before sleep. At root, the point is to balance energy storage and building the body, with using that stored energy and repairing the body. 1) Try to have a minimum of twelve hours a day not eating (the longer the better); 2) eat real food, not processed food. This is important for everyone, but especially for diabetes / pre-diabetes (and that's almost the majority now). Vitamins and supplements ? It depends on one's circumstances and the quality of one's food. Because of soil depletion, intensive farming and breeding, food can be lacking in nutrients these days. While food is the go to, one might consider fish oil if do not eat fatty fish, vitamin D in the winter, + vitamin K2, CoQ10, magnesium, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), nutritional yeast (or at least a B-complex or B1), and if not eating these : green tea extract and garlic extract. Dr.s and professors who make sense include : Mark Hyman, Jason Fung, Sten Ekberg, William Li, Eric Berg, Robert Lustig, Rangan Chatterjee, Tim Spector. Next big thing to take care of is stress, then moderate exercise, then good sleep. And stay positive - stay alive - be grateful everyday for life, for all that is beautiful, all humanity, and all that can be. Take time to relax, to help others, to de-clutter one's mind. .
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