A trip to the sacred HuangShan Mountain 黃山, AnHui province

HuangShan is well known for its beautiful scenery, sunsets and sunrises, unusually shaped granite peaks, ancient pine trees, hot springs, winter snow, and views of the clouds from above. Some of the peaks rise more than 1,800 meters (6,000 feet). HuangShan is a frequent subject in traditional Chinese paintings and literature.

HuangShan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of China's most popular tourist destinations. The HuangShan area is also noted for Chinese teas of high quality.

In the first film, a group of photographers spend a week on the Yellow Mountain and show that patience and dedication pays off ...

AnHui map

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New Geopolitics page launched
Bookmark this page when arrive. All geopolitics videos will, from now, appear on the new page (and no longer on the home page; but never say never). Automatically updated. BB will not preview or select these videos; but we have trust in the channels we have chosen to include. More channels will be added later to provide a range of opinions (though only rational voices; no MSM). The new Geopolitics home page. Click here and bookmark. So the Planning War On China series has ended. BUT, the voices continue to be here - in their very own page; and EVERY new video will appear there. This is a win-win : BB can concentrate even more on bringing you the very best China travel and Chinese culture films. More content coming soon ... Probable additional channels include : Daniel Dumbrill, NuMuves, Geopolitics In Conflict, The GrayZone, Democracy Now, Cyrus, and more ... Approaching 20 years, BB wishes to say a BIG thank you to all our visitors.
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