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Garland Nixon on the ‘Pivot to China’
Those who seek hegemony think only in terms of win-lose and can't imagine win-win : they must be the only ones to win. They think that this is to win big, but is actually to win small, as well as being morally evil. China on the other hand, has always sought win-win. By helping others develop, rather than enslaving them, the win is far bigger. This is termed 'common prosperity'. And this is what the world must do if it is to survive. Don't miss it. Bonus films : with Cyrus Janssen ... On the US debt and decline, with Richard Wolff ... On Taiwan, with CGTN ...
Tibet Impressions
A beautiful place ...
The first courtyard of the Forbidden City 紫禁城
Filmed in the summer of 2010.
Spring Festival Chinese Opera party 春节戏曲晚会, 2016
ChongQing 重庆 city
ChongQing lies on the YangTze (YangZi) River in central China, just to the east of SiChuan province, and is one of the world's largest cities. Administratively, it is one of China's four direct-controlled municipalities (the others are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin).
Geopolitics – update – many videos (27th December 2022)
Carl Zha - "Century of Humiliation" ... On Malaysia ... Angelo Giuliano ...
The BBC never stops these days with its China demonisation – but who really has the health crisis ?
Too many things to cover, but one is the attempt to portray China as 'hiding something' and that according to 'reports' (never cited, but no doubt intel fronts) things are 'really bad' ('trust us' - lol). This is a good example of where 'news' is not really news at all, but the attempt to instigate uprising by pedaling false information. In one of its latest salvos, it notes one young death of a celebrity and then adds some more, all of which were over 80. One could explain why this is so absurd, but it is obvious. That is one reason why BB recommends Chinese people to not travel to, study in, or invest in, the UK (a small US puppet island off the west coast of Europe). Still want to go to the UK ? Remember that if you get stabbed (common), you could be waiting over 24 hours for an ambulance, spend many more hours lying in it before being off-loaded onto a trolley in a hospital corridor, before maybe being treated (if still alive). That's how it is there; just so you know. See the BBC ; ) No wonder they need to try and divert one's attention with smoke and mirrors (lies) ... So, which country really has the health crisis ???
Rain in JiangNan – traditional Chinese Erhu music
Traditional Chinese Erhu plays 'Rain in JiangNan' 雨碎江南 二胡版 ... Bonus film - 'Birdsong in hollow valley' in Chinese court music style 宫廷雅乐风 宋代装束 秦时明月 ...
DIY chiseled stone cooking pot
Awesome craftsmanship ... Bonus film - a beautiful wood bowl ... And - pack basket plus hot, sweet and sour potato noodles ...

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