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End stress, anxiety, depression and negativity, and change your life – don’t miss it
One hour - watch it all, it really could change your life (it tells you how, and it's easy). Feel helpless, unhappy or lost ? You can change, and be the real you. How to become the adult in the room (let go of all the nonsense we carry over from childhood and those insecurities). By acting the way you want to be, ignoring the conditioned feelings that get in the way. Stop feeling down, and start being great. One cannot wait till one feels like it; that will never happen; get started by acting the way you want life to be. Stop feeling hurt and start acting with love. It's not about realising the fantasies we currently live by (intellectually), but acting to get real in life. When you stop being who you are, you can become who you should be. The voice in your head that knows all this - that voice is who you really are. Ignore the feelings from the past, and start really living in the present. Biggest regret of so many will be that they didn't live the life that they should have, didn't be who they really were. With Mel Robbins and Mark Hyman ...
Geopolitics update, 12th March 2023
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Freedom – what is it, really
Real freedom is to be able to live without fear - without fear of destitution, poverty, illness, murder and crime; being able to live; being able to love, one's family and friends and the wider world, because one is not in constant fear ... Freedom to say what you like on a park stool (fake freedom / fools freedom - no leg irons, perhaps, but economic chains), or the real freedom to live your life ? The West has decepid infrastructure, mass shootings (about 5 in just the last week), failing healthcare and declining life expectancy, to name a few of its ills. Is it all about the 1% or is it for all the people ? The West needs to grow up. With Sabrina in China ... In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock. When you know you are family, no need to fear, and are free.
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NanShan Temple (NanShanSi) 南山寺, SanYa, HaiNan Island
This temple in south China is actually new; it was opened in 1988 to commemorate two thousand years of Buddhism in China. NanShan Temple has a total area of 40,000 square meters and contains several Tang dynasty replicas. It is located 40 kilometers west of SanYa city. Nearby lies the GuanYin of the South Sea of SanYa 南山海上观音圣像, a 108-meter (354 foot) statue of GuanYin. The statue has three aspects; one side faces inland while the other two face the South China Sea, to represent blessing and protection both of China and the whole world.
Simple Chinese language phrases to enhance your China trip (pinyin and pronunciation)
PinYin - English : pronunciation. ~ is used where there are two sounds in one syllable. Ou[ch] means use the first sound of the word 'ouch'; same sound as ow[l]. *** Greetings Nǐ Hǎo - Hello / Hi (literally, you good?) : nee how Zài Jiàn - Goodbye / bye : z~eye jee~ann HuānYíng (GuāngLín) - Welcome ! (You'll often hear this when enter a restaurant) DaJia Hao ! - Hello everybody ! *** Introductions Nǐ - you / your : nee Wǒ - I / my : woh What is your name? - Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? : Nee j~ou[ch] shen mer ming zuh? My name is ... - Wǒ de míngzì shì ... : Woh der ming zuh sh ... *** XièXiè - : Thanks : shee~air shee~air (second is a little softer/quieter) XièXiè Nǐ ! - Thank you! : shee~air shee~air nee! *** DuìBuQǐ - Excuse me / sorry : der boo chee BúKèQì - No problem / you're welcome : boo ker chee Mei guan xi - No problem / you're welcome : may goo~ann shee Qǐng - Please : ching Mei / MeiHǎo - Beautiful : may / may how *** Interations DuWei - That's right : doo~way (quickly, and often said twice) Yes and no have no direct translations in Chinese, but the following will be fine is answer to common questions, although they are more like 'to be' and 'not to be' if translated literally; however, these are real colloquial uses. Bú shì - no : boo shh Bú shì can also be used in reply to 'Thank you !' with the meaning 'you're welcome' / 'no need to say' / 'it's nothing' Shì de - yes : shh der E.g. LàJiāo ? - lah jee~ou[ch] (chillies ?) : Shì de / Bú shì *** Wǒ - I / me : woh Nǐ - You : nee Tā - He / she : tah *** Shopping and restaurants Wǒ Yào - I want / would like I would like one of these : Wǒ yào Yī ge Zhè ge (woh yow ee guh jay guh) *** ZhèGe - This : jay guh NàGe - That : nay guh *** Yī Ge - One (of) : ee guh Lian Ge - Two (of) : lee~ann guh (Two as a simple number is Er, pronounced 'are') Sān Ge - Three (of) : san guh *** Duō Shǎo Qián? - How much? (price) : doo~or sh~ow[l] chee~ann? Zhège duōshǎo qián? - How much is this? : jay guh Nàgè duōshǎo qián? - How much is that? : nay guh Tài Guì Le! - too expensive! : tie gwee ler! *** nǐhǎo ma? - How are you? : nee how mar ? Hǎo De - ok : how der Hěn Hǎo - Good : hen how Bù Hǎo - Not good : boo how *** ShénMe? - When? : shen mer NǎLi? - Where : nah lee? Nǎr - There (gesturing) : nah Qĭng wèn - Excuse me (before asking a stranger a question) : ching wen Qĭng wèn, weì shēng jiān (zài) nă lĭ? - Where is the restroom? : Ching wen. Way sheng jee~ann z~eye (nah) lee? Qĭng wèn, dìtiě zhàn (zài) nǎ lǐ? - Where is the metro station? : Ching wen, dee tee~air z~eye (nah) lee? You might hear zai nar in norther China (e.g. BeiJing) *** 小 Xiǎo - Small : sh~ow[l] 大 Dà - Big : dah Tai - Too : tie *** Bin De - Ice-cold : bin der Lian De - Cold : lee~ann der Rè de - Hot : rer der Rè chá - hot tea : rer char Bīng píjiǔ - Cold beer : bing pee jee~oh *** La - Spicy : lah Bu La - not spicy : boo lah Xiao La - a little spicy : shee~ow[l] lah Da La - Very spicy : dah lah Tai La! - too spicy! : tie lah! *** Noodles - Miàn : mee~ann Dumplings - JiǎoZi : jee~ow[l] zuh Rice - MiFàn / Fàn : mee fan / fan Eggs - JīDàn : jee dan Beef - NiúRòu 牛肉 : nee~you row Lamb - YángRòu 羊肉 : yang row Chicken - JīRòu 鸡肉 : jee row Pork - ZhūRòu 猪肉 : joo row Fish - YúRòu 鱼肉 : yoo row Tofu - DòuFu 豆腐 : doh foo (See BeijingBuzzz's food cheat sheet for much more) (Wo) Chī bǎole! - (I'm) full! : Woh ch b~ou[ch] ler! (Ni) Chī bǎole ma? - (Are you) full? : (Nee) ch b~ou[ch] ler maa? Ma is appended to change a statement into a question. *** ZhōngGuó - China : jong goo~woh YīngGuó - England : ying goo~woh MěiGuó - America : may goo~woh ZhōngWén - Chinese nationality : jong ren YīngWén - English nationality : ying ren *** Hótel - Hotel FànDiàn - Hotel / Restaurant : fan dee~ann Wǒ Bù ZhīDào - I don't know : woh boo juh~dow Tīng Bù Dǒng - I don't understand : ting boo dong ZhèGe Duōshǎo Qián? / DuōShǎo Qián? - How much is this? : doo~or sh~ow[l} chee~ann? Tài guìle ! - Too expensive ! : tie-gwee lah ! Wo Yao ... - I would like ... : woh yow ... Wǒ Yào ZhèGe - I want this one : woh yow jay~guh *** 5 yuan (kwai) / 2 pieces (items) 5元 / 2个 or 5元 2个 8 折 (bā zhé), which directly translates as '8 discount'. This means that the discounted price is 80% of the original price (20% off). 人 Rén - Person : ren 5元 / 2人 - 5 yuan for 2 people *** For toilet doors / WCs : 男 - Man 女 - Woman *** BúShì - No : boo shh ShìDe - Yes : Shh der Hǎo de - Okay : how der MéiYǒu - none / out of stock : may~oh *** Wǒ ài ... - I love ... : woh eye ... - I love this! : woh eye jay-guh! Wǒ ài ZhōngGuó - I love China : woh eye jong goo~woh *** Hǎo Chī - Delicious (literally good eat) : how ch Bú Hǎo Chī - Not tasty : boo how ch One can think of 'Bú' as meaning 'not' *** Wǒ Bù LiǎoJiě - I don't understand : woh boo lee~ow[l]~jee~air *** Chi - eat : ch Wǒ Xiǎng ... - I would like ... : woh shee~ang ... Wǒ Xiǎng Chī ... - I would like to eat ... : woh she~ang ch ... *** Directions Bei - North : bay Nan - South : nan Xi - West : shee Dong - East : dong *** DìTiě - Subway train : dee tee~air Dìtiě nali ma? - Where is the subway? : dee tee~air nah~lee ma Zhan - Train station : zahn Men - gate : men Yuan / kwai - rmb (currency) : yoo~ann / kw~eye (more common) Gong yuan - Park : gong yoo~ann *** KāFēi - Coffee : kah fay Chá - Tea : chah kěLè - Cola : ker ler PiJiou - Beer : pee jee~oh Shui - Water : shway Wo yao liang ge pijiou liande - I would like two cold beers : woh yow[l] lee~ann guh pee jee~oh lee~ann der *** Jia Yo! - Let's go! / Go! (encouraging) : jee~ah yoh! Wǒ Bù Shuō Hànyǔ / ZhōngWén - I don't speak Chinese (huh?!) Or simply Bù ZhōngWén : boo jong wen *** Numbers Numbers are easy (there are finger position numbers too, but that's not so easy) : 1 - Yī : ee 2 - Èr : are 3 - Sān : san 4 - Sì : si (the sound is the first half of 'soot') (short sound) 5 - Wǔ : woo~oh 6 - Liù : lee~oo 7 - Qī : chee 8 - Bā : bah 9 - Jiǔ : jee~oo 10 - Shí : shhh (longer sound) Example of 11 - 99 : 73 - Qi Shí Sān (7x10) + 3 : chee shhh san (7 10 3) 70 - Qi Shí (7x10) : chee shhh (7 10) 100 - Bǎi : buy Example of 101 - 999 : 357 - Sān Bǎi Wǔ Shí Qī (3x100 + 5x10 + 7) : san buy woo~oh shhh chee (3 100 5 10 7) 300 - Sān Bǎi (3x100) : san buy (3 100) One small complication - two (of) - rather than the number two) is liǎng ge : lee~ang ger *** Cheers! - GānBēi! : gan bey!
The Hanging Temple of HengShan 悬空寺, and the YunGang Grottoes 云冈石窟
Near DaTong, ShanXi province. The Hanging Temple (XuanKong Temple 悬空寺, XuánKōng Sì) is constructed on a vertical cliff face, 75 meters (245 feet) above the ground, at the foot of the HengShan mountain. The temple lies about 64 kilometers south east of the city of DaTong. Together with the YunGang Grottoes, the Hanging Temple is one of the main tourist attractions and historical sites in the DaTong area. Built more than 1,600 years ago, this temple is notable also as the only surviving temple combining all three Chinese traditional religions/philosophies: Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The structure is kept in place with oak crossbeams slotted into holes chiseled into the cliffs. The main supportive structure is hidden inside the rock. The temple is located in a small canyon basin, and is situated under a prominent summit that helps protect the temple from rain and sunlight. The YunGang Grottoes are located at the southern foot of Mount WuZhou, 16 kilometers west of DaTong. There are 250 caves here containing many thousands of carvings and statues.
China cities light up for Chinese New Year
Bonus film - Spring Festival Gala 2024 from HeNan TV - some really great parts, including the start ...

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