A guide to ZhenJiang 镇江, JiangSu province

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China’s new 600 kph maglev rail, and what it means for Belt & Road partners
China 中国 trip; a feature length film …
A 70 minute feature length film. Starting at MuTianYu Great Wall, Beijing.
The ruins of the Western-style palaces at YuanMingYuan 圆明园, BeiJing
YuanMingYuan, also known as the 'Old Summer Palace', was constructed during the 18th and early 19th century and was a wonderland of lakes and waterways, bridges, hills and pavilions. One third of the ground of YuanMingYuan was taken up by over 200 small hills with steep sides, secluded valleys, rock walls and stone caves. Half of the garderns are covered by the waters of lakes, winding streams and ponds. It was at YuanMingYuan that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty resided and handled government affairs - until it was destroyed; the Forbidden City was mostly used only for formal ceremonies at this time. The southern part of YuanMingYuan was where emperors handled state affairs, while the other parts were primarily for personal use and comprised of more than 150 scenic spots, involving rare exotic flowers and trees from different parts of the country. There were originally towers, terraces, pavilions, halls, corridors, pagodas and bridges with a total construction area of 150,000 square meters - corresponding in scale to that of the Imperial Palace. Artisans were recruited from all over China to enact the exquisite settings. The various styles of architecture, standing encircled by hills and rivulets, presented a most picturesque view. Many were reproductions of scenic mountains, rivers and famous gardens in China (mostly southern China). During his many tours of the country, emperor QianLong made it a point to have pictures of famous gardens and scenes drawn so that he could have replicas built in Beijing. Most famous of these were the ten scenic spots of the West Lake in HangZhou. The Old Summer Palace is often associated with the European-style palaces (Xi Yang Lou) that were built of stone. The designers of those structures, the Jesuits Giuseppe Castiglione and Michel Benoist, were employed by emperor QianLong to satisfy his taste for exotic buildings and objects. However, more than 95% of the Imperial Gardens consisted of essentially Chinese-style buildings. There were also a few buildings in Tibetan and Mongolian styles, reflecting the diversity of the Qing empire. In addition, hundreds of invaluable Chinese art masterpieces and antiquities were stored in the halls, including some unique copies of literary works and collections. In 1860, during the 'Second Opium War', the British and French expeditionary forces looted the Old Summer Palace. Later, on October 18 1860, a British general - despite protestations from the French (who in fact had began the looting) - gave the order to set fire to the huge complex, which burned to the ground. In 1900, those buildings that had partly survived or been restored were burnt for good by the Western expeditionary forces sent to quell the 'Boxer Rebellion'. Many priceless artifacts were plundered and made their way to museums and private collections in Europe. The ruins were further plundered by the warlords of the early republican period and further destruction of the ruins took place during the 'Cutural Revolution'. After all this destruction, what was left was truely just an empty shell. Empress dowager CiXi later directed the forming of YiHeYuan (Garden of Nurtured Harmony), into a new Summer Palace; this was near to the Old Summer Palace, but on a (somewhat) smaller scale. Nearest subway station : YuanMingYuan on line 4.
ShenZhen city, GuangDong province, 2023
Scenes from JiuZhaiGou 九寨沟
JiuZhaiGou Valley (九寨沟), literally 'Nine Villages Valley', is a nature reserve and national park located in the north of SiChuan province, near the GanSu border. JiuZhaiGou is part of the MinShan mountains on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colorful mineral lakes and snow-capped peaks. The elevation ranges from 2,000 to 4,500 meters (6,600 to 14,800 feet). It lies 330 km (205 miles) north of the provincial capital of Chengdu and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This remote region has been inhabited by various Tibetan and Qiang peoples for many centuries. The valleys here are lined with 55 km of roads for shuttle buses, as well as wooden boardwalks and small pavilions. The boardwalks are typically located on the opposite side of the lakes from the roads. Many visitors will first take the shuttle bus to the end of RiZe or ShuZheng valley, then make their way back downhill by foot on the boardwalks, taking the bus when the next site is deemed too distant. JiuZhaiGou is a ten hour bus ride from ChengDu, or one can fly from ChengDu or ChongQing to JiuZhai HuangLong Airport, then take an hour long bus ride to HuangLong, or a 90 minute ride to JiuZhaiGou. There is also a daily flight to Xi'An, in the peak season, and from BeiJing, ShangHai and HangZhou.
This girl is on fire !  (music videos)
Sometimes in browsing the web disparate things just seem to come together, as here. Two different popular singing shows, one an established artist, one a teen on a first audition; one common theme - 'this girl is on fire'. In the first video, from 'I am a singer', I was so struck by the gusto of the performance. The cut-aways are to the other competitors; one can feel that the knives were out (in some cases) but she said 'take that', and nailed it ... The song is hard to translate but means something like : I want to be the real me (not one with a smile who is sad inside). Second is a lovely teen wearing a chili pepper (which is a big plus in my book); it's a bit rough in places but she hits the key lines great. Momo Wu (we love you too) watch out ;) What I love about the 'Voice of China' is that it has real humanity - judges with true music passion and pure hearts, plus a sense of hummor ... 鄧紫棋 G.E.M. (Gem Tang) - 存在_我是歌手第二季 中國好聲音 2014-07-18 第三季 - 第一期 劉至佳 - 'Girl on Fire' (Alicia Keys)
Planning war on China – part 30
With The New Atlas ... Meanwhile ... BBC - after each Olympic video shows a 'Hate will not win" message (relating to endemic racism in the UK). WHY then, are they endlessly promoting hatred of China ? WHY the incessant stories denigrating China right up to the eve of the opening (and doubtless throughout) ? 2008 - BBC says that the the one and a half lines of subway added for the summer Olympics was simply 'white elephant propaganda show-boating'; YET, now BeiJing has added a further some 20 lines of subway (as was always the plan) to become the world's largest subway metro system. And still the lies go on and on and on. A disgrace to humanity. At least, now that the hype is so obvious, more and more can see it for what it really is. Time for this relic of empire to be scrapped. But don't expect "fight for your right, to paaaartyyy" to change anything; or the fake 'opposition'; the elite all know that it is essential in a propaganda war (even if just as a distraction).
ShangHai 上海 city in timelapse

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