Geo-politics - 2021 review, and what might be in 2022.
With The New Atlas - Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic ...
[640],shadow=true,start=,stop=Anything one hears on MSM, or social media, is probably BS.
Real freedom is when there is a pause between propaganda and reaction - when one stops to first think (am I being duped?) ...
Keep being real and sane is this crazy world. The world is full of richness. But insanely imbalanced in distribution. That's the reality, so long as the many are duped into believing that that is how it should be !
Into 2022, cherish what you have and love all around you. Always be above division and manipulation.
In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are livestock.
While China acts to build a better world, the West only strives to try to preserve its dominance. Sad, but true.
Bonus film - with Pascal Coppens ...
[320],shadow=true,start=,stop= [320],shadow=true,start=,stop=