With Dr. Eric Berg and Guy Tenenbaum ...
[640],shadow=true,start=,stop=Note : prolonged fasting requires more than just water (plus green tea and a little black coffee), such as salt (lo-salt), about 1 and a 1/2 tsp / day (more as needed), electrolytes and other essential vitamins. No sugar, fruit or sweetener. Do research first and maybe start with as little as 1 or 2 days, intervened with OMAD (keto).
Also see this video film ...
Note : Missed curcumin, which has the most support in studies. Take with a little black pepper and EVOO. Up to 5 or 6g / day.
Arguably, curcumin (a turmeric extract), ECGC (a green tea extract) and sulforaphane (a broccoli extract) are the most important three (see pubmed).